Irene Medina

Irene Medina is a Trinidadian veteran investigative journalist with over 46 years of print and broadcast media experience in the Caribbean. 

CANA, 1998

CHOGM, 2008

About Me

Born in Arima, in the small village of Mount Pleasant, Irene Medina had big dreams of becoming a writer and in particular, a journalist.

With just a Secondary School education, at the time, she developed a deep love of writing through her insatiable appetite for books.

At the age of twenty one, she approached the publisher and editor of the then explosive weekly newspaper The Bomb, Patrick Chookolingo, which signalled the start of a long and illustrious career in journalism spanning four decades.

After being asked to produce a one page account of her job interview, which ‘Choko’ knew only she could write since she was the person being interviewed, Ms. Medina was hired on the spot.

Forty six years later she can boast of a very prolific and influential career in the media, having learned the profession from the bottom up to the positions of News Editor, Assignment Editor, Editor and Editor in Chief.

She has worked at every major daily news house in Trinidad and Tobago and has also contributed regionally for the Caribbean Media Corporation and The Nation Newspaper in Barbados.

She has also contributed to articles published in The Daily Mail in London.

Ms. Medina has covered all the ‘beats’ – the courts, the crime scene, human interest stories, the environment, but it was as a political writer and commentator that she has made her name.

Needless to say she has covered some five general elections; several Caricom Heads of Governments Conferences and numerous Local Government elections.

She has interviewed prime ministers, the homeless, presidents and prisoners, world renowned musicians and revered artists.

She attended the inaugural swearing-in of Jamaica’s first female Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller and has also interviewed such charismatic leaders like the late Grenada Prime MinisterMaurice Bishop and Dominica’s first female prime minister and (to date only female prime minister of Dominica) Dame Eugenia Charles.

She has also interviewed the likes of US Human Rights activists Andrew Young during a visit to this country.

As a member of the Santa Rosa First People’s Community, Ms. Medina has been at the forefront of highlighting the struggles of her community over the years and still continues to identify with the First Peoples.

A social activist in her own right, Ms. Medina was instrumental in leading a petition for pipe-borne water in her village and for better roads and conditions.

After a long career of writing of hard hitting political stories, she has self-published a series of children’s short stories. Motivated by the experiences of her own five children, she sought to capture the essence of growing up in the unspoilt natural surroundings in the Mt. Pleasant village through which runs the Blanchisseuse River.

Her first book, entitled “The River Nymphs and the Tree Frog” reflects a time in our society when the river was the centre of village life. Her second book entitled - The Mermaid of Maracas Bay - again focuses on a time when children were the lifeblood of Village life, a place where they learnt their first lessons about the beauty of the environment and the innocence of village life.

Ms. Medina has also worked as the Media Relations Advisor to the Ministry of National Security and is currently the Communications Consultant attached to the Ministry. She has also reconnected with her academic life and now holds a Master’s Degree in Mass Communications (Merit) from the University of Leicester in the UK.

In September 2023, Ms. Medina was nominated and sworn in as Alderman in the Borough of Arima, a role that she holds in high esteem and continues to be proud to be of service to her fellow Arimians.

Arima In the News!

Arima Boys' RC champions Peace is Power - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

School principal Navin Harry, together with staff and pupils of Arima Boys' RC School, applauded as white pigeons were released into the air as part of their Peace is Power event.

Posters depicting images of love, peace and harmony covered almost all the walls of the school's upstairs and downstairs areas.

One of the posters painted by a pupil of the Arima Boys RC School. -

A white banner draped a railing upstairs, and another with the words, Peace is Powerful, greeted visitors on September 3...

Arima Council launches Peace is Power initiative - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

AHEAD of the International Day of Peace, also known as World Peace Day, the Arima Borough Council has unanimously approved a resolution to launch a peace awareness initiative called Peace is power.

A statement on September 3 from the Office of the Mayor said alderman Irene Medina introduced the initiative at the council’s monthly statutory meeting on August 29 at the Malabar Community Centre Phase IV in Arima.

The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by the UN General Assembly an...

Letters to the Editor

Photo by Mark Stebnicki on Pexels

Youth already driving agri-revolution

The Keith Rowley-led Government seems way ahead of the critics and the business sector now making a clarion call for a boost to the agriculture sector.From chamber of commerce to farmers, this seems to be the growing advice to the Government for its September 30 national budget.Like so many other competing sectors, the cry is for more money.But the fact is that due to its visionary approach, as a major part of its Roadmap to Recovery mandate post-Covid-19, conceptualised in 2020, the Government...
Photo by CDC on Pexels

Kamla fighting Covid ghosts

The Opposition Leader’s latest attack on the integrity of Covid-19 vaccines as “fake” comes as no surprise.It follows a four-year-long poli­tical tirade to bad-mouth all the efforts of the Dr Keith Rowley-led Government to curb deaths by securing scarce vaccines from international providers.Kamla Persad-Bissessar and the United National Congress (UNC) have used every argument to seek to destroy the Government’s successful handling of the pandemic.First, they challenged the Government’s border se...

Sink Columbus’ three ships ...and replace his statue

Archbishop Jason Gordon should be less ambiguous in his position about the removal of Christopher Columbus’ three ships on the coat of arms and replacing it with the national instrument, the steelpan.In one breath, during a recent church service during the Santa Rosa Festival in Arima, he apologised to the descendants of the First Peoples for all the atrocities and injustices our ancestors faced from the Catholic Church centuries ago.He offered an apology on behalf of the Church and their Europe...

Guest Columns

Explore a featured selection of my published opinion pieces over the years!

Crocodile tears from Ratiram? - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: Couva North UNC MP Ravi Ratiram, whose name is no stranger to my journalistic pen, seems to have taken issue with my recent letter to the editor published in the Express newspapers.

In the October 5 Newsday, the UNC’s shadow agriculture minister seemed to have emerged from the shadows to label my letter as misleading and nothing more than "lie, cry and mamaguy" – three words which seem to be the UNC’s latest uninspiring political appendage to everything PNM.

For those readers who m...

We all got piece of the budget pie

The $59.741 billion 2024/25 national budget has come, and I can’t help but notice that the anticipated “gloom and doom” predicted by some seems to have disappeared.Seen through the lens of a Carnival band titled “Steadfast and Resolute, Forging Pathways to Prosperity” (the title of the 2024-2025 budget), the media and some members of the public had their own labels for each section. “Ease or squeeze”, “Doom and gloom” and “Lies, cry and mamaguy”—the latter courtesy the Leader of the Opposition.I...

Finally, Dookeran speaks - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday Archives

Dookeran made the comment during his 75-minute long maiden Budget response as leader of the COP.

Haunted by last year’s fiasco, in which he lost the chance to make a contribution to that Budget debate, Dookeran was quick on his feet and was successful in catching the Speak-er’s eye. He immediately waded into Manning, telling him his early Budget was a “quick fix” re-election ploy.

He bade “farewell” to Manning, who he said had come “to the end of the line” adding that the COP was ready to form...

Domestic violence is our business

It was heartening to see the issue of domestic violence take centre stage at a one-day consultation hosted by the Attorney General last Wednesday at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.And while they applauded it, it was clear that members of the public present felt that the forum should have been longer since the issue is so complex. They felt cheated not to have had more time to voice their concerns.Victims, perpetrators, children, the courts, the police, and society as a whole are all impacted by domesti...

TT journalist expelled from Antigua - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday Archives

Gordon is quoted in the Antigua Sun yesterday, the newspaper which Khelawan was Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief, as saying Khelawan was not on the island to do business and therefore did not require a work permit, but was there to clear his mail and attend to personal matters.

Gordon said her client’s passport and ticket were valid for three days. She added once these procedures were done, “immigration officials had no lawful right to take Khelawan into custody and expel him.”

Khelawan w...

Murder came calling in the Caribbean - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday Archives

I thought Brian’s electrifying batting would dominate the news and bring a worthy end to his cricketing career which has often been steeped in controversy. I thought he would go out in a blaze of glory, cementing once and for all that he is the boss, silencing his critics and destroying his opponents, bat raised as he walked back into the pavilion — a winner. Well it may still happen! But for the time being, my dream was snatched by the mysterious murder of British-born Pakistan coach Bob Woolme...

Travel is One of My Passions!

What a beautiful day in London today! Vacations are for rest, relaxation, new adventures and creating lovely memories. So today was Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, 10 Downing Street and the Cabinet War Rooms, and, of course posing with the iconic Red Telephone Booths. The last one is for the history books. Hoping to catch some more sights during this brief stop over before heading to Italy where more adventures await! All the serious stuff at home can wait a bit longer. Special thanks to my travel mates; my beautiful daughter Allyson and granddaughter Chelsea.

My Blog

All views expressed in this blog are my own and do not reflect the ideas, ideology or points of view of any organization or entity that I have been affiliated with or might potentially be affiliated with in the future. 

June 7, 2023


In April of 2022, a young family member was picked up by someone she knew, taken to an unknown location, was drugged and assaulted. For two months she kept silent about it, suffering in silence, in shame and pain, until it became too much to bear.

This may be her story but almost every day in this country young women go missing and are at risk.

At the time of writing this entry the body of 25-year-old mom of five Gabrielle Raphael was found in the Queen’s Park Savannah. A post-mortem later revealed she had been raped and strangled.

At the time, as well, 12-year-old Amanda Hill from Valencia was reported missing, according to the Express, and on Wednesday May 24th an article in the Guardian stated that the police were asking for help to locate 17 year-old-Melani Hunte, also from Valencia.

Reporter Laurel Williams in Newsday on December 31, 2022 stated that 552 persons were reported missing in 2022, of which 30 were found dead, 466 found and 56 have vanished without a trace.

According to Williams, females, 17 and under were the highest reported cases.

No arrest has been made in Gabrielle’s murder at the time of this entry.

In my relative’s case fearful for her life she never told anyone what had happened to her and soon the stress of her horrifying experience manifested itself in a “psychotic break” or mental breakdown.” It was heart breaking.

The assault occurred shortly before her 21st birthday.

A young service man, and his friend were allegedly involved in the incident. Like most rape victims she felt ashamed and thought she would be blamed for her attack, so she kept silent.

He told her ‘you are a nobody.’

The words “you are a nobody…no-one cares about you,” which one of her attackers told her, crushed her spirit, she confided.

As one can imagine, during this time she suffered almost irreparable emotional and mental torture. The fear has not gone away even though it’s more than a year now since her heinous experience. A police report has been made, but that process left much to be desired. ‘Were you looking for attention?’ ‘Who told you to go in his car?’Do you have mental problems?’ Their questions were unrelenting, so much so she had to secure the help of a lawyer.

The way her story unfolded was through text messages to a parent, on June 18th 2022:

‘I got raped.

‘In april this year

‘a week before my 21st birthday

‘I’ve been traumatized

‘they overdosed me with a hard pill

‘I was kidnapped and held hostage

‘ april 11 (supposedly the day it happened)

‘It is not my fault

‘I went to lime with some fake friends”

As it turned out she was taken to an unknown (to her) location.

How does one deal with situations like these? How can you help someone who has gone through such trauma?

Well, there is no dress rehearsal for this kind of trauma. In fact, all you can do is head to the A&E at Mount Hope Hospital. Once there, she was seen by a doctor, given an injection to calm her down, and was placed in restraints.

After three days of lying in a bed in the holding area, she was later admitted.

Another young woman was also admitted that night. Her story was that she was “given something in her drink.”

Pre cursor to her attack

Covid 19 affected all of us in different ways. For my part I suffered acute Covidrelated anxiety, so much so I had to receive counselling. I am better now. I survived with the loving help of my children.

For my relative, coping was very difficult during Covid. The acute isolation, lack of socialising, fear of getting Covid, the uncertainty was just too much for her to withstand. So, like thousands of other young people, she developed poor coping skills. Her phone became a lifeline to the outside world, where she met ‘friends’ who turned out to be dangerous.

It was here she was befriended by a young serviceman, who paraded on social media in his uniform and seemed harmless enough.

He picked her up

According to her, on this fateful day in April, he picked her up in his car and took to meet one of his friends. She said the serviceman urged her to go with a man whom she did not know. He promised to pick her up after.

But the day rolled into night and he never came, leaving her to fend for herself with this stranger who drugged and assaulted her. In her words, ‘I was afraid I was going to end up like Andrea Bharath.’ (Andrea Bharath,22, a clerk at the Arima Magistrate’s Court, entered a taxi in Arima on February 1, 2021 was taken against her will, assaulted and killed. Her body was found days later in Heights of Aripo, Arima). My relative was terrified. She managed somehow to convince her abductor to let her gothe following day.

Many would attest that it’s the worse news to hear about anyone, more so a family member. It took a toll on everyone.

The Recovery

Today she is receiving trauma counselling and medical help. It’s just over one year now and who knows how long this treatment will be for. But we are all hopeful.

It’s a long and, at times, frustrating process. The monthly hospital visits can feel punishing at times and the cost for private care from a psychologist is not cheap. But she is persevering and cooperative. She struggles to be motivated and grapples with choosing positive avenues to cope with daily stresses. Her panic attacks are fewer now, and her self-confidence is creeping back.

As for the two monsters who prey on vulnerable young women out there, one can only hope that the law and justice will catch up with them one day.

May 10, 2023


Pan pioneer and innovator Rudolph Valentino Charles was the leader of the Desperados steelband from 1961 until he passed away 36 years ago, on March 29th 1985.- Courtesy National Archives Trinidad and Tobago 

Congrats to Desperadoes on its new $14 million home in Port of Spain!
I applaud this gracious act by the government.

I plan to visit the pan theatre on Nelson Street soon.

A band that has won some 12 Panorama championships, three times winner of Pan is Beautiful festivals and has graced prestigious venues like the Carnegie Hall and Royal Albert Hall deserves it all!

In 2015, when I heard that Despers was practically fleeing from ‘Up the Hill’ because of crime and fear for the safety of its players and visitors my heart cried out for a better resolution. First Tragarete Road and now Nelson Street.

“Oh No” I thought. This can’t be real. Despers is Laventille community and the community is Despers.

At least that’s what I thought and what I still believe. But it’s hard to argue with gun violence and blood thirsty goons… except that the blood has spread everywhere now. Some of us certainly can’t run from our areas.

Still I believe, wherever Desperadoes goes, it will continue to be great.

I see myself as an honorary ‘Laventillian.’ Presumptuous but true.

Although not a born and bred in the area, 40-odd years ago, Laventille was a part-time home for me.

Weekly, if not daily, I would stand at the bottom of the hill near Piccadilly and Duke Street in East Dry River, hail down a taxi - some of the drivers I knew by name - and with one of my babies in hand or a heavily pregnant stomach I would make my way up to hill where my ex-husband lived for a while.

Desperadoes, of course, became my love and going to the Savannah for Panorama became a favourite pastime. Sometimes I would take the two older children, both boys. Most times they fell asleep during the performances. It was electrifying. 

I have vivid memories of walking on sacred grounds like the Drag, at the Queen’s Park Savannah, as the band made its way to the Queens Park Savannah stage.

I remember the Silence. Swollen air. Pulsing tension. Procession-like walk. I have vivid memories of floating down the drag with the band, as I made my way to the stage area, where supporters like myself would scream and jump, heart racing and adrenaline flowing, as if we were choreographed addendum to the pannists.

Contrary to what some may think, the pannists always walked down the drag, sober as judges, clear heads and with steady hands. At least that was my experience. They were going to musical war! Memories of Rebecca come flooding back.

I remember jumping and screaming at the side of the stage for Rebecca. My strapless black romper almost betrayed me that night, so exciting was that session, as like Rebecca, I did “my ting.”

I met and interviewed the great pan inventor, the man with the hammer himself, the late Rudolph Charles many times and was always in awe of this fearless giant of a man and band leader.

I am certain he would fought against the band’s separation from the community.

Whenever we chatted during my numerous interviews with him, his fearlessness stood out like a red badge of honour. I remember the numerous visits to his home in Laventille where he explained his latest inventions and creations.

Always a pioneer, always trying new things like inviting dancers on stage with the band, a first in Panorama, he explained that dance is what makes music visible. I couldn’t argue with that.

Then there was the musical genius himself, Clive Bradley, whose colourful life made for good press and legendary stories. He was magical and charismatic, as was Robbie Greenidge, whose demeanour was quieter but musical prowess just as great.

I also have rich memories of Pan is Beautiful IV at Jean Pierre Complex in 1986, I believe. Decked in their black jackets and white ties, these unique Despers pannists were transformed into classical musicians. With the power-house arranger, the late Pat Bishop, leading them, it was an amazing time for pan.

Borodin’s Polovtsian Dances cemented itself on my brain. I felt transported. That year they won. They also went on to win two other festivals. I remember some of the names of the players too: Timo my ex brother on law (now deceased), Pinhead, Sugars, Finbar, and Tash.

I guess evolution can’t be stopped and Desperadoes will never return to the Hills. Who knows, maybe a new band will be birthed in time, right there at Desperslie Crescent.

April 24, 2023


More dead bodies are piling up. It seems every Monday morning the pile gets higher and hope dims a little bit more.

At least that’s how I feel at times about the violence that dictate our lives.

While Prime Minister, Dr. Keith Rowley is showing great resilience in facing down this gargantuan evil of violence, how much worse will the crime situation become before we see some kind of relief?

Despite my own personal multiple brushes with crime and violence, I still hold out hope that before he ends his term of office in 2025, Dr. Rowley will get a handle on things.

His two day regional symposium on Violence as a Public Health issue shows the kind of temerity he has shown all his life in his journey from Mason Hall to Whitehall, and I believe it will buy the PNM some more time.

His whole life, as detailed in his telling autobiography from Mason Hall to Whitehall shows that not only is he a survivor but a winner.

We have seen that when his back against the wall he fights the hardest. His former boss, late Prime Minister Patrick Manning was no match for Rowley’s tenacity and determination to win, when he kicked him to the back benches, stripping him of his ministerial portfolio.

Then there was his fight with the Integrity Commission which ended in 2009 with Justice Maureen Rajnauth-Lee slamming the Integrity Commission for acting "in bad faith in relation to former Minister Dr Keith Rowley and guilty of misfeasance in public office".

Rajnauth-Lee awarded Rowley $100,000 as compensation with interest at 12 per cent yearly from August 10, 2007. The IC was also ordered to pay the legal fees to his four attorneys.

He also fought and survived allegations of the most dubious nature against him by opposition parliamentarians, and by a female journalist a few years ago.

Dr. Rowley handsomely won a defamation case against a former trade unionist Michael Annisette in 2012 who was ordered to pay, then opposition leader $475,000 in damages for libel. In addition to the damages, Annisette, was also ordered to pay Rowley's $160,000 legal bill for bringing the lawsuit.

So, crime and violence, will have a hard time knocking this prime minister down.

As I said before, by positioning violence as regional concern with the aim to redefine and confront it with a “collective” punch, has bought him some political goodwill, as he reminded that “Caricom’s strength is in its union.

We wait and see.

April 19, 2023


Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) meeting in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago on April 17-18, 2023.- Courtesy

Prime Minister, Dr. Keith Rowley may be on his way out of active politics, but he is resolute that crime and violence will not topple his government.

His actions over the past few days could breathe new life into the Peoples National Movement for another win, come 2025.

By taking the fight against rising violence and crime, prioritising it as a regional concern, and corralling heads of regional governments and experts to investigate this problem as a public health one, is a master stroke.

This is not lost on opposition forces.

It seems to me that the just concluded two day “Violence as a Public Health Issue –the Crime Challenge,” may have temporarily halted the avalanche of negative comments against the government and it impotence to get a handle on crime.

I believe that sitting CARICOM governments will benefit from this united fight against crime and the shift to the public health perspective.

How this issue is managed onwards to have the desired positive outcome will no doubt augur well for Dr. Rowley’s government.

At the close of the two day (16-17 April) talk at the Hyatt, may have left some with a sense of hope for the future.

We all know that here in Trinidad and Tobago, rising crime, has for the past 15 years been a headache for all governments.

The spectre of homicides, 600 plus for 2022 and already 200 plus for 2023 has brought terror to us all.

In my own case, a thwarted abduction, home invasion at gun point, the assault of a young relative and random attacks in my community have left traumatic scars. Yes, concrete walls, barred windows, neighbourhood watch groups, dogs, bull horns, are all in place, but fear still abounds.

What a way to live!!

Kudos therefore to Dr. Rowley and Regional partners, including civil society, academics, business representatives for seeking answers through public health perspective.

I think it would have been useful to have had a media perspective, as well as, the views of some victims of crime, but am sure there will be more talks.

Newspaper Archives

...Committee finds no link between music and crime

This article covers the findings of the Ryan Committee that was tasked with establishing any link between the popular music culture and the violence emitted by our nation's youth. There was no such link found, in fact, the majority of the respondents rejected such a notion. This position is counter to an article published recently by the Trinidad Guardian detailing the link between soca and other popular types of music and violence.

Minister in waiting ...but Augustus not sure if it will be in vain

This article covers the 4-month delay in appointing Senator Roy Augustus as the Minister of National Security. The article traces the origin of the delay with the then President of T&T - ANR Robinson's refusal to swear in 7 defeated UNC candidates. The article goes on to present the unofficial lobbying of other men for the same position, however, Mr. Augustus maintains his belief that the best man will be chosen for the job.

'I have never worked so hard': Gillette says the whole country and his companies will benefit

This article covers a self-review on the performance of then Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister - Lindsay Gillette, four months after he took office in the PNM led administration. According to Minister Gillette, his work and vision to improving the telecommunications infrastructure and industry in T&T, will not only be beneficially for him personally, but champions its ability to revolutionary the market, not only for new entrants but for more improved service offerings for consumers. Minister Gillette then recounts his work in other ministries and solutions that he has helped brokered in Guyana, the LNG, and generally improving governmental bureaucracy.
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